Of the 600+ lakes in Alberta, only 2% of the NSRW landscape is made up of lakes, so it's crucial to take care of these freshwater gems.
- Most lakes in Alberta don't have natural, high quality sandy shores
- Lake health is affected by climate, human activities, and the lake's natural depth, connectivity, and shape
- The lakes located west of Edmonton are pretty shallow and they're also high in nutrients. Some of this is natural and some is caused by industry and development which increase nutrients and pollutants in lakes.

Search Lake Resources
For general lake reports, studies, presentations.
External Lake Resources
(contacts, links, funding) related to:
- water quality
- lake care
- blue-green algae
- invasive species
- riparian health & shoreline regulations

This project showcases how to naturally restore the green belts along rivers, creeks, and wetlands, called riparian areas. These vegetated areas do a lot of heavy lifting for water quality, wildlife and ecosystem health.
This project also supports lake stewards and regional groups by looking at where they may have gaps in their communications materials. The project supports lake monitoring and the Lake Stewardship Community of Practice that is spearheaded by the Alberta Lake Management Society.
This project is generously supported by Pembina Pipeline.
Learn more about the project Regional Lake Stewardship Project.

WHAT: An extensive water quality study of lakes west of Edmonton
WHERE: The Carvel Pitted Delta in the Parkland Region
WHO: Citizen scientists, Mayatan Lake Management Association (MLMA), Alberta Lake Management Society (ALMS), University of Alberta water scientists, and other experts
WHY: Many of these unnamed and named lakes had never been studied, but are amazingly clear, like lakes usually found in foothill and mountain regions.
FUNDERS: Land Stewardship Centre (Watershed Stewardship Grant Program)
Read the inspiring story behind this collaborative and citizen science project.
The results of these studies are included in reports on the ALMS website.
Check out some footage of these lovely lakes!

Lake stewardship groups are the superheroes and guardians of our water sources. They're made up of people from all walks of life, coming together to protect our local lakes. From individuals to big companies, rural to urban, these volunteers work together to set goals so our lakes stay healthy and vibrant for years to come.