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When you donate, you're backing crucial projects in our watershed. And guess what? Donating through the ATB Cares program has a ripple effect because they’ll match your amount by 15%!
The North Saskatchewan Watershed
In the spirit of respect and reciprocity, we acknowledge that the lands within the North Saskatchewan River watershed are located in Treaty 6, Treaty 8, and the Métis Homeland. These lands are the traditional territories and gathering places of diverse First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples. We recognize the contributions of Indigenous peoples who have cared for this land since time immemorial and whose rich histories, cultures, languages, and presence continue to enrich these sacred lands we all steward as Treaty People.
Dans un esprit de respect et de réciprocité, nous reconnaissons que les terres situées dans le bassin versant de la rivière Saskatchewan Nord sont situées dans le Traité no 6, le Traité no 8 et la patrie des Métis. Ces terres sont les territoires traditionnels et les lieux de rassemblement de divers peuples des Premières Nations, Métis et Inuits. Nous reconnaissons les contributions des peuples autochtones qui ont pris soin de cette terre depuis des temps immémoriaux et dont la riche histoire, les cultures, les langues et la présence continuent d’enrichir ces terres sacrées que nous gérons tous en tant que peuples signataires de traités.
Learn, Explore, Connect
The North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance is a not-for-profit society and one of eleven Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils in Alberta. The NSWA works to improve the health and sustainability of the North Saskatchewan River watershed today and into the future by supporting collaboration, facilitation, and knowledge sharing of adaptive watershed management.
→ We team up with partners to integrate land and water plans for a healthy watershed.
→ We bring stakeholders together, share resources, and find new solutions to manage the watershed.
→ We gather info about the watershed and create spaces for sharing knowledge.
What we’re up to
A story of collaboration & perseverance: the North Saskatchewan has been recognized as a Canadian Heritage River.
A one-of-a-kind team-up between EPCOR, Alberta Environment and Parks, North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance and the City of Edmonton.
A roadmap for increasing and conserving wetlands with tech experts and knowledge holders
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